Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Adapted Physical Education Resources

Resources for Adapted Physical Education


1.       Autism Speaks  

This website is available for parents and teachers for autism awareness, family services, events and much more.

2.       Through the Looking Glass 

This website is directed for parents that have disabilities and children with disabilities.  They offer youth groups, parent support groups, relationship support and developmental services.
3.       PE Central 

This website has a lot of different activities and modifications for both PE and APE teachers.
4.       SPARK  

This website has a great program that is all aligned to general PE standards.  There are lessons for multiple grade levels and activities that are free and some for sale.  They also have trainings available like podcasts.
5.        P.E. Links 4 U 

This website has multiple links for different lessons, health and fitness, podcasts and organizations for teachers. 

This website has a lot of information available for teachers for a lot of different disabilities.

This website is geared toward students with learning disabilities like ADHD, dyslexia, etc. for parents. 

8.       Grant Wranglers

This website can help teachers receive grants and funding for equipment for classrooms.
9.       Teach PE 

Teach PE has a lot of different lessons, quizzes and flashcards to help students learn.

This site has a lot of information about students that are blind or deaf blindness for teachers and parents.



  1. Erica great APE sources. Some of them I never knew existed. I will use some of them in the future.

  2. Hey Erica,

    I really appreciate this list, especially the one to help us on writing grants. I'm sure you can agree with me when I say there's never enough equipment for our kids to have the best learning experience, and a lot of times, we have to go out and get them ourselves!!! Thanks for the 411, Erica. :-D
