Thursday, July 11, 2013

Final Post.

This is my final post!  It's been fun!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Final Project

This thread doesn't work, but it has comments so I left it.  Use the one labeled Final Post.

Here is my final project in Collaboration in Adapted Physical Education.  Enjoy!

Diversity Paper

Collaboration and Culture

            America’s classrooms are becoming increasingly diverse.  Each child’s culture has a significant influence in determining the children’s identity and frame of reference.  It is essential to provide an environment in which all cultures can succeed.   The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) defines culture as “… the customary beliefs and patterns of behavior, both explicit and implicit, that are influenced by the society- or by a social, religious, or ethnic group within the society-in its members.  
           Studies have shown that Hispanic families are not as familiar with APE services as Caucasian families.  Parental expectations among Hispanic parents were similar to Caucasian parents, but the preferences for modes of communication and information are different.  Many culturally diverse families traditionally defer to educators and allow them to make decisions that many believe should be made through a collaboration process.  This is likely due to there lack of confidence in language.  Trained translators are recommended. 
An article analyzing culture and its influence on children with severe and multiple disabilities.  The research shows that familiar food, music, and customs are important for them as they provide a link between home and school. Unfortunately, many children with multiple or severe physical disabilities, and with communication deficits, may not be able to effectively convey their prior cultural experiences and knowledge. All students regardless of disabilitiy should be taught within the context of their own cultural heritage, and their families should be an integral part of the IEP team.  This will cause these students to be dependent upon teacher and their families to be cultural mediators. The challenge then is to find common ground to maximize the educational potential.  

Having diverse heritages is a seen as a positive attribute to classroom.  Three things to consider when having multiple cultures in a classroom.   

1. Teachers must know and understand how culture impacts their own lives before they can become responsive to children and families from diverse backgrounds.
2.  Teachers begin to match children’s learning style
with teaching style.
3. Teachers recognize that language plays a major
role in the instructional process. Teachers are sensitive to the effect of language
differences on children’s responsiveness to teaching and learning.

Physical Activity: A recent survey suggests that the USA male and female participants take part in sports and physical activities mainly for competition and improving skills.   

Having a safe class environment for all different religions, cultures, and sexual beliefs need to be respected and safe in all aspects.  No two people are alike.  The world is a giant melting pot of differences and people need to be respected regardless of your own beliefs.  All students are still children and all students need allies.
            Culture is a huge factor in many people’s lives.  Incorporating the family’s cultural beliefs are important for a cohesive team to have success for the child.  Some laws in other countries are not the same as in the United States.  If you have a Hispanic family that does not know the teacher for their student, they may be apprehensive to give information.  Calling them or sending them a letter describing what APE is about and what the services are will be beneficial for the family in the long run, even if the language barrier is there.
           Students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing have the right and deserve to learn the same curriculum as their hearing peers.  Deaf culture is a very strong group of people.  Learning American Sign Language as a teacher or using other visual aids will help not only the student who is deaf, but probably other students as well.  Talking about differences in people, like doing the Disability Awareness Week, could not only help you as the teacher learns, but letting other students learn that it’s not a scary thing.  Using peer tutors for students of any ability level is also beneficial.  They then have the opportunity to work with a partner and can give feedback to each other.  With a student who is deaf, they may need more time with their partner; they can have the use of the interpreter and use written or visual cues. 
            Samoan families have been raised through generations and are very strong in culture.  Teachers need to be aware of their upbringings.   A lot of teachers want students to look at them if they are talking to each other.  When a Pasifika (Pacific Island peoples in New Zealand) child is being reprimanded, they show their respect to their elders by bowing their heads.   Having a child brought up this way, then having a teacher to look at them, might be confusing for that child. Pacific Islanders take great pride in their culture and language.  Incorporating others cultures into your class can help and also asking parents to collaborate with ideas from their culture for ideas.
            Respecting the beliefs and knowing the differences between fact and fiction is crucial for educators.  Modifying clothes for certain cultures would be ideal for some cultures.  Wearing shorts under dress or finding a place for students that pray 5 times a day, finding a safe, quiet place for them to do that is important.  One of the Pillars of Islam is Ramadan where adults (13 years old) fast from sun up to sun down.      They cannot eat or drink during this time.  Making students run on a hot day where they cannot drink water could put them in danger as well as the teacher themselves.   
            Many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students are bullied, as are other students, but there are many that end up committing suicide because of the bullying.  For many students in the LGBT community, they still feel they are not accepted by either friends or family around them.   At the beginning of the year in class, you can state what is appropriate and not appropriate  language to use that are offending to people of the LGBT community and people in general.   This goes for religions and slang that are derogatory to people in life.


-Communicating with Hispanic Parents of Children with and without Disabilities
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance
Luis Columna  , Terry A. Senne  & Rebecca Lytle

-Ensuring the Success of Deaf Students in Inclusive Physical Education
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance
Jessica L. Schultz  , Lauren J. Lieberman  , M. Kathleen Ellis  & Linda C. Hilgenbrinck

-Additive bilingual education: Unlocking the culture of silence
Patisepa Tuafuti
MAI Review, 2010, 1

“So, You're a Muslim? (Not That There's Anything Wrong With That)”
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance
Debra A. Ballinger
Best Practices

-Creating an LGBT-inclusive School Climate
A Teaching Tolerance Guide for School Leaders

Exploring teaching practices in physical education with culturally diverse classes: a cross-cultural study Symeon Dagkas*University of Birmingham European Journal of Teacher Education Vol. 30, No. 4, November 2007, pp. 431–443

Inclusion in Physical Education: Changing the Culture APRIL TRIPP TERRY L. RIZZO LINDA WEBBERT.  JOPERD • Volume 78 No. 2 • February 2007

John Carroll University.

Parental Acceptance-Rejection:Theory, Methods, Cross-Cultural  Evidence, and ImplicationsRONALD P. ROHNER ABDUL KHALEQUEDAVID E. COURNOYER
Volume 33, Issue 3, Article first published online: 3 JAN 2008

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Team Hoyt

Team Hoyt

"Yes You Can!
Team Hoyt is an inspirational story of a father, Dick Hoyt, and his son, Rick, who compete together in marathons and triathlons across the country.
Team Hoyt strives to help those who are physically disabled become active members of the community. Join us in spreading Team Hoyt's message, "Yes You Can!""

ASL websites

American Sign Language

Need a quick look at a phrase for a student?  Check out this website!

Hand Speak

Learn about Deaf culture

Monday, July 8, 2013

Consultation, Collaboration and Inclusion Articles

Consultation Article Reviews


Article 1:


The Consultation Process: Adapted Physical Education Specialists’ Perceptions

Rebecca K. Lytle, Doug Collier

This article is based on how special education teachers and general education teachers can work together and have a child with disabilities be included in a general physical education class.  “Consultation is most frequently operationalized as a triadic model. Friend and Cook (2000) define consultation as “ . . . a voluntary process in which one professional assists another to address a problem concerning a third party” (p. 22).”  Since more students are being included in general education classes, the APE specialist are being used more frequently by general education teacher and students.  A few things could affect how successful the consultations go, personalities of the people involved and commitment.  The consultation process that the APE teachers used the consultation method more once students were getting older into middle and high school as students like to be with their peers and don’t want to be pulled out into small groups. Having a willing GE teacher that will take ideas after a consultation with an APE teacher and then apply the ideas can help make a stronger program and successful student.  Communication goes both directions, so emails and phone calls can also help increase the success of students in a GE class when the APE teacher is not around.  Consultation is a great way for the GE and APE specialist to work together.



Article 2:


Consulting in Adapted Physical Education

Martin E. Block and Philip Conatser

This article stated that more GE teachers are having students with disabilities in their classes and may not have the information or ideas of how to include them in the class.  APE teachers are then losing their direct contact to the GE teacher and are now having to find time to consult with the teachers to go over training with the GE teacher since they now have more direct contact with the student.  Consultation for the APE teacher is defined as “problem solving process in which one professional help other experts, parent or community members work more successfully with a third party.”  The APE teacher works with the GE teacher who then works with the student. Lack of time and money are among the top problems when coming to consulting with others.  APE teachers have students at different schools and GE teachers can have 100-200 other students.  It could be hard to find time to meet and come up with plans for the students.  Finding time is crucial for the success of the student.  Co-teaching with a GE teacher could help until the teacher is comfortable implementing the plan could help, but then there is the time constraint, too. Consulting is becoming more common for the APE teacher and there is a lot that can still be learned for it and from it.


Article 3:


Adapted Physical Educators: The Multiple Roles of Consultants

Rebecca K. Lytle and Gayle E. Hutchinson

The APE specialist role is changing from direct services to indirect services more and more due to the inclusion into general physical education classes.  APE teachers consult with multiple people, not just the GE teacher.  They consult with speech pathologists, special educators, and physical educators.  The APE teacher may be able to share knowledge about a disability, how to accommodate the student with the disability and instructional strategies.  People involved in the IEP process are constantly consulting with each other, through face to face contact or through technology.  There were a few different roles that the APE teacher was placed, advocacy, trainer/educator and fact finder.  The participants all liked working with children but with the role changing, they are working more with adults.  The article also suggests that for APE programs, more consultation classes could help since it is one the main aspects in APE.
Collaboration Article Reviews
Article 1:
Early Childhood Educ J (2009) 36:483–489
DOI 10.1007/s10643-007-0212-5
Collaborative Teaching of Motor Skills for Preschoolers with Developmental Delays
Nathan M. Murata  Carol A. Tan
This article was based on the collaboration between a team of people.  This included occupational therapists, physical therapists, adapted physical educators and preschool teachers. Usually the classroom teacher is responsible for the motor domain but might not have the full capability of teaching it to students with developmental delays.  These could be “motor, psycho-socio, speech language, emotional, and cognitive delays.”  Keeping common goals by all of the above professionals, they have to collaborate to make sure supports for behavioral and teaching strategies to be able to incorporate the students to be successful and have fun.  Spatial awareness, bilateral integration, sequencing skills and imitation skills should be designed  to address readiness skills.  The final findings to this article was that if they used appropriate skills and started from the basics and then built on each skill, the child will more than likely be successful.
Article 2:
Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 10(2), 173-184
Efficient and Effective Formats for Collaborative Consultation
Noell W. Reinhiller
In an educational setting, collaborative consultation can look different.  The main point this article wants you to know is that “all types of collaborative consultation place a strong emphasis on communication skills.”  There are a few factors that hinder this process.  Time is a big factor for educators.  They are already busy doing things that they need to do, then finding time for the special education teachers to meet with a general education teacher sometimes is hard.  When I need to talk to a special education teacher, or any teacher for that matter, it’s either before or after school or at lunch.  We don’t have a carved out time for us to meet.  Since special education teachers typically have small class sizes compared to large general education classes, this article is helpful for gen ed teachers that need to collaborate with a special ed teacher about a student. This article also has two different formats which one follow to decrease the time of the meeting and to be able to get right to the point.  One version is called ACT.  First you’d analyze the concern for that student.  Then choose an intervention that could work in your class. And the third is to implement it in your class and evaluate the progress.  The scenario in the article was helpful and could be a good tool to try while collaborating with a fellow teacher.
Article 3:
Voices From the Field: Skill Sets Needed for Effective Collaboration and Co-teaching
Jodie Brinkmann  Travis Twiford
Since NCLB and IDEA, more collaboration in needed to make successful teachers and schools.  This article had three different groups, including pre-service training, coursework and experiences received and what data showed what teachers thought as helpful.  What teachers thought of as important are not always what is being taught in teacher preparation programs.  Throughout the study teachers agreed that certain experiences, skills, and knowledge are necessary for collaboration and co-teaching as well as interpersonal skills and communication.  Communication was the most common theme amongst the teachers and the most important skill to becoming effective with co-teaching.  Almost half of what the pre service training that teachers thought were important, were not held up as taught.  Collaboration with teachers, staff and administration are key in building successful teachers.

Inclusion Article Reviews

Article 1:

Martin E. Block , Aija Klavina & Wayne Flint (2007): Including Students with Severe, Multiple

Disabilities in General Physical Education, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 78:3, 29-32


This article was about including students with disabilities into general physical education classes. The main point was trying to get students with severe, multiple disabilities into general education classes as long as they were successful and safe.   Students are wanted to start out in the GPE class, and if they are not safe or successful, then other options need to be looked at to make that student successful.  “These strategies revolve around three major themes: (1) identifying and selecting appropriate goals and objectives for the student with disabilities and then finding ways to help the student achieve these goals and objectives while in GPE, (2) making the GPE setting safe for the student with SMD, and (3) facilitating social interaction between students with and without SMD.”  I had a student with mild Cerebral Palsy and he was included in my class.  With the help of the IEP, the APE teacher and myself, we were able to come up with modified equipment or rules so he could participate with the class to the best of his ability.  He was very shy around other classmates but the students included him during games, drills and helped encourage him with social interactions.


Article 2:

Betty A. Block & Peggy V. Johnson (2011): The Adapted Dance Process, Journal of Physical Education,

Recreation & Dance, 82:2, 16-23


This article talks about dance and how it can be adapted by people of any age, gender and ability level. Some students with disabilities might not be in general education classes.  They are with the same classmates all day, so physical education may be the only time they are receiving socialization with other students.  A person with a disability may have a wheelchair or a prosthetic limb.  All this needs to be taken into consideration by the teacher and the student and perhaps the student’s partner, since this equipment is a part of their body for the most part.  There is a box in the article that is very well laid out and has information about students with balance and coordination challenges, physical and intellectual disabilities, hearing and visual impairments and emotionally disturbed and Autism and how to incorporate them.   The California State Standards have a section where dance is a required unit.  I teach folk, multicultural and square dancing at my school.  It is one of my favorite units to teach.  I let them know they will not get marked down if they do the wrong steps or if they forget a step, just pick it up when they remember.  Dance is a great was to use creativity and social skills as a group to reach a fantastic outcome, no matter the ability level.


Article 3:

Jessica L. Schultz , Lauren J. Lieberman , M. Kathleen Ellis & Linda C. Hilgenbrinck (2013): Ensuring the Success of Deaf Students in Inclusive Physical Education, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 84:5, 51-56


This article was about students who are deaf being included in general physical education and general classes, as well.   They say 43% of students who are deaf are in general education classes.  Being deaf should not be a limiting factor for them not to be involved in physical education.  American Sign Language is the main source of interacting, but handouts, demonstrations, written notes or any other type of visual aids could be beneficial to people who are either deaf or hearing.  There are many ways that children of different ability levels learn.  Finding the best communication strategy for the teacher and the student is the best way to be successful in class.  I took two American Sign Language classes this year and I had one of my 6th grade classes use ASL counting when we did stretching.  I plan on doing more signs with my classes in the future.  The students really seemed to enjoy learning something other than PE in class and we used it the counting when we were inside so they weren’t screaming numbers while we stretched. 





Monday, July 1, 2013

Ocean Healing Group

Ocean Healing Group

"The Ocean Healing Group is a non-profit 501c3 foundation, dedicated to providing once in a lifetime, adaptive sports adventure to wheelchair bound youngsters and their parents. It's our collective mission to expose kids to a wide variety of sports and activities, things they would never have the opportunity to experience otherwise... including but not limited to surfing, snorkeling, zip-line tours, fishing, quid riding, nature tours, and horseback riding."

Helping these kids carve the ″Dis″ out of their disability.

Surfers Healing

Surf Camp for Children with Autism

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Daily Posts

"My Frame of Reference is Important because......"
My frame of reference is based mostly on my personal experiences, values and my professional experiences. I like to hear other peoples experiences and ideas to add to my own collection of ideas. I'm always willing to add or try new things to help my students and colleagues. Working together hopefully builds strong working relationship between staff. Working in a cohesive atmosphere will lead to more success for the teachers and students.

"Communication is an important tool in collaboration because..."

Collaboration is an important to for not only teachers in a school setting, but for other careers, too. People have to be able to communicate well with others verbally and they also need to do their part by listening. Feedback is crucial for learning and becoming better as a professional. Body language and the way you dress is important, too. Being in a professional setting, you want to do your part to make yourself look professional and present yourself in that manner. Sometimes during staff meetings, when a PE teacher says something, and it's a really good comment or suggestion, some staff seem amazed that it came from a PE teacher. We all need to communicate and collaborate as a whole to be successful as a team and as teachers.

"Swimming with Friends"

I enjoyed swimming with the students at the pool. The teacher I spoke to had a lot of good information. I was with the deaf and hard of hearing children for most of the time. The teacher was very knowledgeable about each of the students as individuals. Before we started, she brought the children down to the end of the pool and she would demonstrate a skill, then the teachers would work with their student doing the same thing. I wanted to sign to them since I just finished my ASL class, but never got the chance. The teacher also mentioned one of the most important things is to be aware of where their mouth is in relation to the pool especially when the child is not facing you. You don't want their mouth and nose too close to the water.
The teachers there were very helpful and willing to talk to us. As our class was in or out of the pool, we were collaborating the entire time. We were giving ideas or asking different questions to help learn and get new ideas.
I like experiences where we work with children in an actual setting like what we did. It makes me more confident in what I am doing.

"Your feelings about doing a blog and reference a classmates blog here with a link to your blog and to their blog. "

I was very nervous starting the blog. I'm not good with technology and needing a whole website due at the end of the class made me sweaty. I'm lucky I had nice people last year to help with all the technology, and this year, too. I don't like the feeling of the blog maybe being public if I don't click the correct buttons. I think it will be cool at the end with the final project. My blog is Vanessa's website is fantastic. Check it out! Grant's is great too! Technology!

"Thoughts on why it is important to consider and understand the importance of diversity in your physical education class. "

Respect is key for teaching students and the diversity of the world makes it go around. People come from different walks of life, and learning about them is important. When I taught in San Diego, there were a lot of students that came from Somalia. I took the girls swimming at the pool for a unit. I I have never experienced this before, but most of them had never gone swimming, so some were scared of the water, and they didn't wear swimsuits. They wore full length, long sleeve shirts and pants and they wore their hijab's in the water. By the end of the unit, some of them enjoyed getting in at least, even though they didn't learn to swim. I try to tell the students when we start new units where the game came from and how it may have started. This way, hopefully, maybe they can connect it to themselves somehow. I had my 7th graders one year pick a country and look up a dance from there for a BTSA project. It was part of their dance unit, and we had to use the computer lab a couple days. It was a good idea, but I don't know if I'd do it again. However, having the students learn about a dance from a country they choose because they have family there or the group chose it was a cool idea.


Bay Area Community Resources

Bay Area Sport Organizations 

525 East Charleston Road,   Palo Alto, California 94306  Phone:650-494-0550
Transportation: not available
Cost: costs vary
Age range: infants-adulthood
Activities: Aquatics, fitness, recreation, rehabilitation

PO Box 2852, Fairfield,   California 94533  Phone:707-999-1419
Transportation: no transportation
Cost: no cost, donations accepted
Age range: youth and adult, children need adult supervision
Activities: Outdoor recreation, open space access, education and therapy through a working partnership with horses.

SF Central YMCA  387 Golden Gate Ave. San Francisco, CA 94102 Phone: (650) 564-4272
Transportation: Public Transportation is close to most locations.
Cost: unknown
Age Range: 8-18
Activities: Inclusive Film Groups, Inclusive Drama Groups, Inclusive Social Choice Groups for Girls, Inclusive Social Groups for Teens, Kids Night Out.

Pier 40, the Embarcadero,  San Francisco, California 94107  Phone: 415-281-0212
Transportation: not available
Cost: $36 year/$75 per family
Age range: Children need to be at least 6 years old.
Activities: Ride on Access Dinghies on Saturdays, Keelboats on Sundays

830 Bancroft Way,  Berkeley, CA 94710   Phone:510.849.4663   Fax: 510.849.4616
Transportation: provided for most activities
Cost: Financial assistance may be provided for some families, low-cost, no-cost, or sliding scale basis as appropriate
Age range: 5-19 years old
Activities:  Wheelchair basketball, power soccer, track & field, and handcycling, outing adventures such as, theater trips, museum tours, hikes, ski trips, kayaking, rafting and whale watching. Fitness center.

Fort Mason Center, Landmark Bldg C, San Francisco, California 94123  Phone: 415-474-7662
Transportation: not available
Cost: can apply for a sliding scale scholarship
Age range: 14-18 year old
Activities:  Raft whitewater rivers, ski alpine meadows, kayak the waters of the Golden Gate and Tomales Bay, and build leadership skills.  Youth LEAD Fellowship Program, volunteer guide training, and program internships

3369 Union Ave, San Jose, CA 95124 Phone: 408-369-6438
Transportation: not available
Cost: depending on clinics – free to $75
Age range: 5-21
Activities: A wide variety of competitive and recreational sports are offered for wheelchair athletes, including track and field, pentathlon (2 track and 3 field events), swimming, archery, fencing, weightlifting, table tennis, basketball, water-skiing, and tennis.  Also, lacrosse camp, Jr. Sports Camp, PowerSoccer.

207 Skyline Blvd. San Francisco, Ca. 94132  Phone: (415) 665-4100
Transportation:  For a fee
Cost:  Scholarships may be available to some families; one on one assistance will need to be paid by family
Age range: 5-21 year olds
Activities: Drama & dance, arts & crafts, indoor & outdoor games, swimming, computer lab, field trips, and cooking classes available.  After school, Saturdays and Day camps when school is out are available.

525 Market Street. 26th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105  Phone: 415.710-4412
Transportation:  no transportation
Cost: no cost
Age range: children, teens, young adults
Activities: Sports, basketball clinics, KEENquatics

214 Van Ness Avenue,  San Francisco, California 94102  Phone: 415-431-1481
Transportation: check website, lots of information for different activities
Cost: varies on camp
Age Range: babies-adults
Activities: Summer camps called “Enchanted Hills”, working on developing youth camp during year.

3369 Union Avenue,  San Jose, California 95124  Phone: 408-369-6438
Transportation: not available
Cost: fees vary
Age range: 5-21
Activities:   Rec. Programs for youth and teens with cognitive or physical disabilities
Adapted Bowling, Wheels on Fire, Northern California Junior Sports Camp (ages 5-21)

Check this listing for more up to date listings.
Bowling: $120, 11 years old and up
Hip Hop Dance: $40 session, 5-18 year old
Cooking: $80/8 weeks, 16 year olds and up

San Jose Rockets Power Soccer (San Jose Parks and Rec)
San Jose, California
Transportation: not available
Cost: $80/9 weeks
Age range: 5 years old and up
Activities: Wheelchair soccer team and camp

South Bay Smash (San Jose Parks and Rec)
3369 Union Avenue,  San Jose, California 95124 
Transportation: not available
Cost: $100/28 weeks
Age range: 13 years and up
Activities: Wheelchair tennis
1970 Broadway, Suite 115, Oakland, CA 94612  Phone: (510) 832-7430
Transportation: not available
Cost: Costs vary depending on programs.
Age Range: Ages vary for different programs.
Activities:  Afterschool programs (k-8), Early Head Start Home Based Program (0-3 year olds), Special Skaters Program, Fall Art Class, Basketball Camp and Aquatics.




Adapted Physical Education Resources

Resources for Adapted Physical Education


1.       Autism Speaks  

This website is available for parents and teachers for autism awareness, family services, events and much more.

2.       Through the Looking Glass 

This website is directed for parents that have disabilities and children with disabilities.  They offer youth groups, parent support groups, relationship support and developmental services.
3.       PE Central 

This website has a lot of different activities and modifications for both PE and APE teachers.
4.       SPARK  

This website has a great program that is all aligned to general PE standards.  There are lessons for multiple grade levels and activities that are free and some for sale.  They also have trainings available like podcasts.
5.        P.E. Links 4 U 

This website has multiple links for different lessons, health and fitness, podcasts and organizations for teachers. 

This website has a lot of information available for teachers for a lot of different disabilities.

This website is geared toward students with learning disabilities like ADHD, dyslexia, etc. for parents. 

8.       Grant Wranglers

This website can help teachers receive grants and funding for equipment for classrooms.
9.       Teach PE 

Teach PE has a lot of different lessons, quizzes and flashcards to help students learn.

This site has a lot of information about students that are blind or deaf blindness for teachers and parents.


Monday, June 24, 2013


My name is Erica.  I am a general physical education teacher at a middle school in South San Francsico.  I think physical activity is very important for everyone.  Middle schoolers have so much energy and PE is the best place for them to burn off that energy! Teaching them about why we do what we do, cardiovascular fitness, muscular fitness and strength, flexibility, eating right, and sun safety is all important for them for thier entire lives.  Starting them young so they can learn and understand that they are all lifelong habits is key for their success.